- 10 Best Security Practices in Software Development
Security is of utmost importance in software development. Software is becoming increasingly essential to our daily lives and as such the potential damage from security flaws becomes greater. This blog post will explore the 10 best security practices that companies should adopt to reduce risks, safeguard data, and maintain the reliability of their applications.
- Fun with Splunk: Datan suuri maailma
Tämänkertaisessa WeAre Podcast -jaksossa puhutaan Splunk teknologiasta. Miksi Splunk on niin kova juttu, mihin se on oikea ratkaisu ja kenelle se sopii? Näihin kysymyksiin saat vastauksen tässä jaksossa.
- How to become a data-driven organization?
Data has become a valuable resource that drives economic growth, innovation, and competitive advantage for businesses and industries. With vast amounts of data available both on the internet and within organizations, the process of analysis becomes essential.
- WeAre Solutions strengthens its Splunk business by acquiring E2 Software Oy
WeAre Solutions Oy tekee historiansa ensimmäisen yritysoston ostamalla E2 Software Oy:n. Kauppa vahvistaa WeAren asemaa Splunk palveluiden tarjoajana Pohjoismaissa. WeAre pystyy entistä laajemmin auttamaan asiakkaita tarjoamalla Splunk asiantuntijuuden lisäksi myös Splunk lisenssit.
- Importance of UI- and UX design in Software Development
Consumers are increasingly looking to limit their screen time to improve their physical and mental health and productivity (CNBC, 2018). This makes competition among tech companies more intense as they try to grab their customers' attention in a short amount of time. This might be a matter of concern for many companies and one effective way to combat this is by investing in appealing UI and UX.