AWS Data Quickstart

Amazon QuickSight is a starter package for companies that are taking their first step towards modern data analytics.

Companies accumulate a considerable amount of data from many different sources, but they often do not know how to utilise it or the current legacy data environment is limiting its utilisation. We have created this package for companies that want to grow their business and reach the top of their field by leading with data.  

AWS Data Quickstart package includes

Price €9950

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-based business analysis service provided by Amazon Web Service, which allows you to make easy-to-understand insights from data and share them with others. QuickSight can combine data from several different sources into one dashboard. You can read more about Amazon QuickSight here.

Why you should choose WeAre as your AWS-partner

WeArella on kattava kokemus pilviympäristöjen pystyttämisestä, migraatioista ja sovelluksien modernisoinnista. WeAren osaaminen ei  rajoitu pelkästään pilvipalveluihin, meiltä saat asiantuntijuutta ja neuvoa myös muissa alueissa kuten identiteetin- ja pääsynhallinta, datan hallinta ja ohjelmistokehitys. Työmme kulmakiviä ovat kaiken automatisointi, kattava testaus ja tarkka monitorointi. Ne muodostavat jokaisen toteuttamamme palvelun ja ratkaisun perustan. Tämän ajattelutavan päälle rakentaminen johtaa ratkaisuihin, jotka skaalautuvat, mukautuvat ja kestävät aikaa.

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