Cloud maintenance
AWS Cloud Kickstart-mallilla toteutetut ympäristöt luovat vakaan pohjan pilven automatisoinnille ja kehitykselle. Pilvipalvelut kehittyvät erittäin nopeasti ja uusia palveluita ja ominaisuuksia julkaistaan viikoittain. Ympäristöjen ylläpidon tulee olla aktiivista ja reagoida muutoksiin proaktiivisesti.
We can manage your environments and maintain them so your daily operations and monitoring are in the hands of experts. We ensure that the cloud environment changes with the business in a controlled manner and in accordance with ever evolving best practices, so our customers can focus on their core business. We work closely with customer’s IT management to ensure that we are always ready to respond to new requirements and changes.
Our expert services
AWS Kickstart
A perfect start to a new AWS environment. Your environment built according to the AWS Well-Architected model.
Cloud migration and automation
We migrate data centers and applications to the cloud in a controlled manner and ensure that they take advantage of cloud platform automation for scalability and fault tolerance.
+358 44 504 4828