AWS Cloud Kickstart

A fixed-price starter package for companies that are taking their first step towards cloud-native technology.

The deployment of cloud services is easy and nearly every organisation takes advantage of them, whether they do it consciously or not. This ease of deployment can lead to a situation where services are deployed without proper planning and controls.

We have created AWS Cloud Kickstart package for companies who aren't pleased with their current infrastructure solution and are about to take their first leap towards cloud native technology.

AWS Cloud Kickstart package includes

Price €4950

Why you should go cloud native

The key element of the cloud is the decentralization of applications, platforms and environments. Decentralization of resources produces fault tolerance, data security and creates administrative boundaries between applications and areas of responsibility. Part of our sustainable cloud development is to implement practices and automation that enable visibility, auditability and compliance even in large environments.

Cost follow-up and management is difficult in distributed environments and the total cost of cloud consumption might not be possible to follow-up. We create policies and models to centralize billing and allocate each resource to a cost center, project, or other target, and billing data is delivered automatically. With total cost under control, managing cloud development and monitoring return on investment becomes easier.

We operate in accordance with the Well-Architected Framework in which cloud environments are of high quality, cost-effective, reliable, scalable and ecological. At the same time, it is ensured that the processes and practices supporting the solutions are in line with the organization and business requirements. The Well-Architected framework consists of six pillars. 

The six pillars of a modern cloud platform

Operational Excellence

Achieve business goals with the best processes, services and systems.

Performance Efficiency

Efficient use of resources that remain the same even as technology develops.


Automated resourcing, preventing disruptions and automatically recovering from error situations.


Protection of data, systems and information, through monitoring, alerts and audits.

Cost Optimization

Running the systems as cost efficiently as possible to achieve business goals.


Understand the effects on the environment and apply best practices to reduce them.

Miksi WeAre on hyvä vaihtoehto AWS-kumppaniksi?

WeAre has extensive experience in setting up cloud environments, migrations and application modernization. WeAre's know-how is not only limited to cloud services, you can also get expertise and advice in other areas such as software development, data management and identity and access management.

Our core principles, that form the foundation of every service and project we provide, are automate everything, test comprehensively and monitor rigorously. Building on those pillars results in solutions that can stand the test of time.

Juha Ahlgren
+358 44 504 4828

Why choose WeAre and AWS Kickstart?

WeArella on kattava kokemus pilviympäristöjen pystyttämisestä, migraatioista ja sovelluksien modernisoinnista. WeAren osaaminen ei rajoitu pelkästään pilvipalveluihin, meiltä saat asiantuntijuutta ja neuvoa myös muissa alueissa kuten identiteetin- ja pääsynhallinta, datan hallinta ja ohjelmistokehitys.

Our core principles, that form the foundation of every service and project we provide, are automate everything, test comprehensively and monitor rigorously. Building on those pillars results in solutions that can stand the test of time.

Juha Ahlgren

+358 44 504 4828

Our expert services

Cloud migration and automation

We migrate data centers and applications to the cloud in a controlled manner and ensure that they take advantage of cloud platform automation for scalability and fault tolerance.

Cloud maintenance

We manage your environments and maintain them so your daily operations and monitoring are in the hands of experts.